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Misting Control System

Misting Control System for Greenhouses.

The horticultural misting system works on the principle of evaporation. As the moisture evaporates off the Balance arm, the arm tips upwards and switches the solenoid valve, allowing water to flow to the mist nozzles. 

System price does not include mist heads or water pipe

  • Comes ready to use - just connect to water and power.
  • Control Transformer 24 VAC 930 Ma
  • Balance Arm Controller c/w lead and 2 pin polarised plug
  • Power Plug board c/w 2 polarised sockets
  • Water Solenoid 20mm 24 Volt AC

Also available separately:

  • Water Pipe
  • Mist heads (1.2Mtr spread. Flow rate @ 30psi = 61 Ltr per hr)
    Please call us on 03 5940 0281 for a quote

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