Welcome to our online store. All of our products are made to order by us and we ship Australia wide. We will be closed from the 20th of December until the 20th of January. All orders over the break will be fulfilled when we return. Wishing our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Plant Propagation & Seed Raising Electric Foil Heat Mats

Electric Foil Heating Mats for Plant Propagation & Seed Raising

Plant Heating Foils and Cables used for seed raising and propagation. Available in a range of sizes with dial or digital thermostat.

Give your plants the best start possible! Gives excellent germination and a high striking rate for cuttings and seeds.
Correct soil temperature stimulates plant growth, thus maximising yield and quality. Bottom heat cables and foils provide the commercial or home hobbyist with the means to efficiently control root temperature in young plants whilst maintaining a microclimate up to 45cm above the bed.
The watt density is designed so that even on very cold nights, the bottom heat will keep the plants at the desired temperature.