Welcome to our online store. All of our products are made to order by us and we ship Australia wide. We will be closed from the 20th of December until the 20th of January. All orders over the break will be fulfilled when we return. Wishing our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Hanging Planter Stand - Pickup Only

4 or 6 Prong Hanging Planter Display Stand.

Made by Adloheat using 100% Australian galvanised steel frame and hooks. Designed to be strong, space saving and functional. Fully welded in one piece for extra strength. Will hold heavy hanging baskets. 

Height overall: 1660mm.

Height of hooks 1350mm, 1450mm, 1550mm, 1650mm

Width: 800mm

Pick up only due to oversize for shipping. Please call us on 03 5940 0281 

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