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Stand Off Half Covers for 1800mm (6') Wide Split Roof Greenhouses

Shade Cloth, Stand Off Half Covers for 1800mm (6') Wide Split Roof Greenhouses

Covers are manufactured from shadecloth fabric.

Designed to shade your hot house. These covers also extend the life of your full cover by added protection from the elements. Creates a perfect environment for your plants by giving you the flexibility to provide greater plant protection with the changing seasons.

These additional covers can be easily removed seasonally and stored away. It's best to store the covers in a protected place out of the sun.

This cover is suitable for our Split Roof and Standard houses.  The cover is designed to allow the Split Roof to open fully and to cool the air in between the covers. The cover is supported off the house with Galvanised steel brackets and steel poles, and the cover is installed with frame buttons, fixing loops and steel clasps supplied. The Stand off throw over covers the roof and mid way down the sides of the house (front and back are not covered).

Shadecloth is available in various colours, in light or medium shade densities as follows:  

Green 50% shade
Green 70% shade
White 50% shade
Beige 70% shade

Accessories: Replacement 'Stand Off' bungee strap fixings $8 each. 

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